Manufacturing Reference
This page is composed of miscellaneous notes on various manufacturing techniques and settings that I’ve marked down and you are welcome to use as well.
Glowforge Dimensional Accuracy
Material: 3mm Clear Acrylic, paper backing both sides
Settings: Medium Clear Acrylic Cut
Shape constructed in Affinity Design at 300 DPI, exported via SVG at 96 DPI
Measurements taken with Mitutoyo Digital Micrometer (293-340-30) where practical, Mitutoyo Digital Calipers (500-163-30), and gauge pins for IDs
Recommended Hole Diameters:
Pre-ream Fit: Undersize .010”
Tight Press Fit: Undersize .007”
Light Press Fit: Undersize .004”
Sliding Fit: Undersize .002”
Loose Fit: On dimension